Struggling With ADHD – Comic

Burning Bee Illustration created this meaningful comic about struggling with ADHD and her personal discovery when she first took medication for Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. If you’d like to know more about the disorder read A Thread on Understanding ADHD. Also if you’d like you can buy a digital copy of the comic that’s easy to print out here.

“I figure out I had ADHD last year, but I didn’t seek an official diagnosis and medication until this year. I’m 30 years old, my school days are long behind me. I slipped through the cracks because I have predominately inattentive type and I was a quiet little girl. Having ADHD does not mean you have to be hyperactive and loud, it means you have a processing problem in your brain that doesn’t allow you to regulate your focus or emotions.

Mental health even now is still taboo to talk about. People are more open now than ever about it however and that gives me hope.

This is a profoundly personal comic and it only reflects my own experience with ADHD. It is on a spectrum with a wide range of personalities. But if my story connects with someone else and helps them, that would mean the world to me.

This won’t be the last thing I make about ADHD. I’d love to do comics on misconceptions about it and the positive sides.”

Struggling With ADHD - Comic
Struggling With ADHD - Comic
Struggling With ADHD - Comic

Struggling With ADHD - Comic
Struggling With ADHD - Comic
Struggling With ADHD - Comic

Artist: Burning Bee Illustrationdigital copy available here!

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