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Haunted Liminal Spaces in the USA

This is an awesome and extensive post talking about haunted and creepy liminal spaces in the USA. A liminal space is a location which is…

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Posted in LOLS

The Oregon Trail on Facebook

LOL! Team Pwnicorn made this hilarious example of what it would be like if the classic computer game The Oregon Trail was on facebook. Settler Joe…

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Posted in Articles LOLS

Rosetta Stone for a Single Language

LOL! This is an awesome post that is actually a Rosetta Stone for a single language, which is English of course. The post translates this…

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No Submarine Is Ever Lost

This is a very interesting post about the fact that the US Navy has a tradition that no submarine is ever considered lost at sea….

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Europeans in America Shows

LOL! We should stop making tv shows about Americans in Europe and start making shows about Europeans in America instead! Turn the trope around please….

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Food is a Human Right

It’s pretty damn sad that an actual US congressmen would go online and mock food and healthcare being a human right, but here we are….

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American Propaganda

dj franzia tweeted this insightful thread about American propaganda and how people think they are immune to it. Meanwhile the Department of Defense gives millions…

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Posted in Articles LOLS

Names for the Civil War

LOL! This is an amusing post about how every time a racist gets mad when talking about the Civil War you should just make up…

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Posted in Cosplay

Captain America Cosplay

Krystina Arielle Cosplay looks incredible cosplaying as Captain America from Marvel Comics. She is the host of The High Republic Show on, Bob on Dimension 20 and Bearah…

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Insane Hospital Bills in the USA

Wow. Just wow. Check out these absolutely insane hospital bills that people received getting medical care in the USA. This is completely unconscionable. Getting sick…

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