Tag: conspiracy
Trudeau is Castro’s Illegitimate Son – Conspiracy Theory
The conspiracy theory suggesting that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is former Cuban leader Fidel Castro’s illegitimate son has gained attention online, despite lacking credible…
Pyramid Conspiracy – Comic
LOL! This comic by wallyscottcomics is for all the people who believe the pyramid conspiracies about how aliens built the pyramids: Artist: wallyscottcomics (via: Geeks…
Spiritual Conspiracy Theorist Red Flags
creature-wizard wrote this extensive list of red flags to look for of your worried that a spiritual person is actually a conspiracy theorist. This is…
How To Break an Anti-Vax Parent
LOL! This story tells you exactly how to break an anti-vax parent. It was posted in response to this question posed on r/AskReddit, the place…
Tweets About How Bruce Wayne Isn’t Batman
LOL! These are some amusing tweets about how Bruce Wayne definitely isn’t Batman. That’s 100% conspiracy theory. Nope. I mean the butts don’t even match…
Bruce Wayne Is On Conspiracy Theory Boards
This post was brought to our attention when we posted That Time Bruce Wayne Admitted He Was Batman. It’s a funny little fan fic about…
Why People Believe Conspiracy Theories
Psychology educator David Hundsness explained the four main reasons why people fall for and believe conspiracy theories. (Check out The Conspiracy Chart for just how…
The Conspiracy Chart – Reality to Detached From Reality
Abbie Richards of @tofology is fighting conspiracies and disinformation. She created this Conspiracy Chart to show the progression of how people leave reality to start…