Tag: facts
What is OCD?
somesecretpie created this informational comic titled, What is OCD? (obsessive-compulsive disorder). It isn’t just about “people who like to clean stuff”, it’s actually about fear…
Accidental Cloth-Related Combustion
This is a very interesting botany sh*tpost about accidental cloth-related combustion. It starts with a story about linseed oil, which in woodworking is rubbed on…
Benjamin Franklin’s Abortion Recipe
Americans probably think the Founding Fathers had something to say about abortion, but most of them didn’t. Except Benjamin Franklin, who published a recipe for…
Object Personification
This is an interesting post about object personification and anthropomorphizing random objects. Here’s a link to the article it references: Object personification in autism: This…
Proof That Evolution Is Real
This is a great science post filled with lots of proof that evolution is real! Evolution is the process by which living organisms change over…
The Fish Doorbell
See a fish? Ring The Fish Doorbell! Every spring fish migrate upstream, in search of places to spawn. They swim through the center of the…
Nuclear Waste Warning Message
Long-term nuclear waste warning messages are communication methods intended to convey the potential dangers associated with radioactive materials stored in nuclear waste repositories over extended…
The Many Controversies of Australian Politician Barnaby Joyce
Introducing the man who puts the “Aussie” in “controversy”, meet Australian politician Barnaby Joyce! If Australian politics were a rollercoaster, he’d be the loop-de-loop that…
Intersex Misconceptions
Content Warning: Intersexism (discrimination against intersex people). This is an important post by ipso-faculty about intersex misconceptions and how to be a better ally: Source:…
Lost Apples
Wholesome content! This is a wonderful post about this man’s collection of lost apples varieties. His name is Tom Brown and he has rescued more than…