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Forcing Diversity

FightinCowboy makes some really good points about so-called “forced diversity” in gaming and geek culture. But for real, having more people of color, women, LGBTQ+, and…

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Inclusivity in Geek Culture

Mister Vimes posted this twitter thread about inclusivity and how he doesn’t recognize geek culture anymore due to all the toxicity, gatekeeping (here’s How to Deal…

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This is Why Representation in Geek Culture Matters

@sapphicgeek told this beautiful story about working at a comic book store and meeting a young Supergirl fan. This is exactly why representation and diversity in…

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Geeky Little Things

The question, “What are the little things that attract you to someone that they would never guess you find cute, sexy, etc?”, was posed to…

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Posted in Articles Cosplay

Adam Savage’s Love Letter to Cosplay Quote

Adam Savage did a TED Talk about his love for cosplay entitled “My love letter to cosplay” and this quote is just wonderful! Below is…

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Posted in Art

ABCDEFGEEK – Geek Alphabet Fan Art

Otis Frampton drew this adorkable geek alphabet series called “ABCDEFGEEK”! This is Volume 1, you can see Volume 2 and Volume 3 on his deviantart page! Here’s a little bio…

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Posted in LOLS

How to Deal With Geek Gatekeepers

HAHA, here’s the best way to deal with douchey “geek gatekeepers”. You know the dudes who question whether or not women are “real geeks” and…

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Posted in Articles Cosplay

Women Grew Up on Star Wars Too

Just a friendly reminder that women grew up loving Star Wars too! It’s so stupid when people say stuff like “Star Wars is only for…

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Geek Media Has Always Been Filled With “SJW” Issues

Tim Doyle makes a good point about all the angry people on the internet who bitch and moan about “SJWs”, diversity and politics being in geek…

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Guy Gets Schooled After Posting Fake Geek Girl Rant

*FACEPALM* This “fake geek girl” rant is so ridiculous, but the replies are epic. It’s so silly that people still actually think that “women can’t…

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