Women Grew Up on Star Wars Too

Just a friendly reminder that women grew up loving Star Wars too! It’s so stupid when people say stuff like “Star Wars is only for boys” or “Women didn’t used to like geeky stuff like Star Wars”. Women have always been in fandom and they’re not going anywhere. So get over it. If you need a history lesson on just a small part of women’s contributions to geek culture read the Guy Gets Schooled After Posting Fake Geek Girl Rant post.

Women Grew Up on Star Wars Too

Source: pentag0nal

Are you a women who grew up loving Star Wars? Let us know in the comments below!

2 thoughts on “Women Grew Up on Star Wars Too

  1. I grew up in the 1980s and was told as a female fan, I wasn’t allowed to be one. I went home in 1986 crying because some boys said girls couldn’t be Jedi. I was supposed to play Barbies even when I hated those stupid dolls. So when boys and men gender a Fandom, just know there are over a thousand girls like me who had to endure that BS.

  2. I don’t know WTF they’re talking about. I was 7 in 1977 (my brother was 4) when I first saw SW, and we were Princess Leia and Han Solo for Halloween that year. We must have seen that film in the theaters more than 40 times. We had a ton of SW figures and playsets. And they weren’t my brother’s — they were both of ours. Heck, the bedtime stories my Dad told us at night featured SW characters in them because that’s what we wanted to hear. Our family had the Burger King collectable glasses set, and I had the movie posters on my bedroom walls. My heart leaps and I break into a wide grin when I hear the John Williams soundtracks.

    Am I glad the new SW features have more women in them? Yes! I feel the same about having a more diverse group of actors in the features too. But don’t ever say I didn’t grow up with SW any less because of my gender.

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