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Geek Culture Has Always Been Left-Wing

Yea, I said it, geek culture has always been deeply political and generally left-wing. I’m not sure why this is so hard for some people…

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Posted in Comics

There Are No Fake Geeks – Comic

This little “There Are No Fake Geeks” comic by Lotte Comics illustrates nicely how silly elitist jerks are in the geek community. This goes well with the…

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Posted in Comics

Nerdy Relationships: Movies vs Real Life – Comic

JHallComics made this funny comic for Dorkly that nails what nerdy relationships are like in movies vs. real life. At least I think this is pretty relatable, my…

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Racism in the Nerd/Geek Community

My fellow nerds / geeks we gotta have a talk about racism in our community. We have all seen it or experienced it and it’s…

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People Going Into Nerdy Detail About Their Hobbies

This post by Fandoms and Feminism about people going into extreme, nerdy detail about their hobbies is just great! I too love hearing people passionately…

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The Misogynist Nerdy Male Director

The tale of the misogynist “Nerdy Male Director”. Looking at you Joss Whedon. At least he’s cancelled. But let’s all agree to stop hiring these…

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Women Dating Judgmental Male Nerds

Below is a tumblr thread from women about dating judgmental male nerds. Let me just preface it by saying #notallmen, lol. You don’t need to…

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