Tag: names
Wi-Fi Network Names
LOL! This is an amusing thread of funny Wi-Fi network names… Source What us your Wi-Fi network named? Let us know in the comments below!
Edgy Boy Names of 2024
LOL! This list of edgy boy names that will rock the waters in 2024 is perfect for those who want to name their children like…
Robin’s Nicknames For Supervillains
LOL! This is an amusing little Batman fan fic post about Damian Wayne aka Robin’s nicknames for supervillains. Damian simply decided that memorizing the names…
The Internet Names Animals
Hahaha, beware the Danger Noodle! This is what happens when teh interwebz (the internet lol) names animals. Here are the memes: Source: Imgur
Baby Names That Would Be Cute if They Didn’t Mean What They Mean
LOL! kyladiane posted this TikTok about her list of baby names that would be cute if they didn’t mean what they mean. My favorite name…
Batman Making Fun of Fantastic Four Names
LOL! batsVsupes doodled this cute and silly Marvel/DC crossover comic about Batman making fun of the Fantastic Four and their simplistic name choices. “What’s in a name?” Artist: batsVsupes
Things Renamed By a Stoner
LOL! This stupid list of everyday things renamed by a stoner made me laugh much harder than it probably should have! This reminds me of…
Names for the Civil War
LOL! This is an amusing post about how every time a racist gets mad when talking about the Civil War you should just make up…
Little Girl Tries to Name All the Smash Bros. Characters
Lorenzo aka The Soupy Investigation asked his six-year old little sister if she could identify all the characters from the Super Smash Bros video game by name….
Why Pennsylvania Is Named Pennsylvania
LOL! This post starts with people realizing Transylvania is a real place, but ends up explaining why the state in USA is named Pennsylvania. It’s another…