Tag: nerds
Beware the Nerds
LOL! Beware the nerds! This is why you should never mess with nerds (especially The Lord of the Rings nerds), hehe… Source: hatingongodot
50 Shades of Grey Rewritten for Nerds
LOL! 50 Nerds of Grey is hilariously rewriting Fifty Shades of Grey for all your nerd erotica needs! I’ve never read 50 Shades, but I…
The Dangers of Getting Way Too Into a Show – Comic
LOL! Dorkly always shares much geeky truth in their comics, this one shows the dangers of getting way too into a show. In this case the series…
Dating Another Geek – Expectation vs. Reality
JHall Comics for Dorkly made this funny and in some cases true comic showing the stereotypes of dating a fellow geek who is just as nerdy as you!…
26 Jokes That Only Intellectuals Will Get
LOL! You get to feel smart if you understand all these intellectual jokes! And if you like this sort of thing also check out 20…
The Evolution of Geek Culture – Infographic
The Evolution of Geek Culture explains where the word “geek” originated and the label’s wide variety of interpretations over the past century. The label “geek”…
Fandom Exit Comic
LOL! This is a funny because it’s true sketch comic titled “Exit” about getting into a new fandom. It’s starts with conventions, fan art, fan…
Animated Intellectual Jokes
Enjoy these amusing animated intellectual jokes by Max Knoblauch of Mashable! If you get these jokes you might also like the list of 20 Jokes That Only Intellectuals…
20 Jokes That Only Intellectuals Will Understand
LOL! I’m proud to say I got almost all these intellectual jokes. I have one more that is one of my favs: A photon checks into…
How to Destroy the Internet – Gail Simone Comic
LOL! Comic book writer Gail Simone and Cathy Brett created this funny comic about how to destroy the internet and it’s so true. Getting under the skin of angry,…