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The Revenge of the Sith Novelization

intermundia wrote this beautiful post about the novelization of The Revenge of the Sith. This is such a good quote: “Star Wars ultimately carries a…

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Secretly Planting Giant Sequoia Trees For Revenge

Redditor GoblinsStoleMyHouse secretly planted a Giant Sequoia tree in his mayor’s yard for revenge after he killed his tree, Clyde. Not only that, he planted…

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Professor Catches Cheaters

This is an interesting story about a professor who catches cheaters posted on reddit to r/ProRevenge. The subreddit is for posting stories about getting back…

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Stories From People Who Got Petty Revenge

This an amusing collection of short stories from people who got petty revenge against people who wronged them. Revenge is a dish best served petty:…

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Posting Secret Recipes to Get Revenge on Abusive Relatives

Mmm, I can taste the sweet revenge in these recipes, lol. Here are some great secret family recipes released by people getting revenge against their…

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Adult Wednesday Addams Gets Catcalled

In this excerpt from the now in limbo web series “Adult Wednesday Addams” by Melissa Hunter, Wednesday from The Addams Family get catcalled by douchebags. But she…

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Posted in Articles LOLS

Using a Seam Ripper To Destroy Clothes – Story

LOL! skitzofreak told this funny story in response to this tumblr post about how their mom destroyed their dad’s uniform with a seam ripper. You…

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