Tag: society
You Don’t Have to Be Accessible at All Times
This post is a great reminder about how just because we all have cell phones now, it does NOT mean that you HAVE TO BE…
Automated Structural Violence
The Undesirable Gallery tweeted about the insidious concept of “automated structural violence” in our capitalist society. It may sound complex, but structural violence is just…
Jesus Did Not Come…
Jesus did not come for your bullsh*t. Stop using him to justify it. The Mountain Goats tweeted this thread about it: Source: The Mountain Goats…
Sexist Double Standards About Women’s Bodies
Domien Delforge drew this “Norms” feminist art series that exposes some of the sexist double standards in our society about women’s bodies. People are always…
Everything is Made From Corn
This is mind-blowing, I’m so *corn*fused, lol. Everything we eat in our society is made using corn. Literally everything. SwiftOnSecurity tweeted this crazy thread about how corn…
How to Rest & Recover While You Fight for Social Change
It’s okay to rest and recover. @feministsexed created this helpful guide about how to rest and recover while you fight for social change. It can…
Anti-Capitalism Tweets by Existential Comics
Existential Comics has written many anti-capitalism tweets over the years and these are some of the best. He talks about capitalism, economics, greed, and just…
Apologizing to Women We Judged
As a society, we are all guilty of giving women in the spotlight an especially hard time. So here are some apologies from wheeloffortune-design to the…
Sexist Comments Photo Series
Artist Röra Blue created this sexist comments photo series titled “Handle With Care”. It explores modern day sexism and some of the pressures women face in society…
Texts About Chest Binding and Gender Dysphoria
Rain Dove shared this wonderful text message conversation with an angry parent dealing with their child wanting to wear a chest binder. A chest binder…