Tag: translation
What a French Kid Thought About American Summer Camps
LOL! This is a hilarious story about what a French kid thought that American summer camps were like. Due to some amusing translation fails they…
Universal Translator Glitch
LOL! This is an amusing little Star Trek universal translator glitch comic. The translation is posted below: 1. Captain Picard: “Premièrement, je pense que nos…
Swearing in Star Trek
This is a great idea posted by textsfromstarfleet for why some Star Trek series don’t have swearing and some do. Like for example Star Trek:…
Sci-fi Translators
This is a good point about universal translators in sci-fi: how do they know when to stop translation? These tweets by foone elaborate further: Source:…
Ancient Translations in Horror Movies
This is a good point about people doing ancient translations in horror movies. *Translates old Arabic text.* *Somehow it rhymes perfectly in English.* This makes no…
Rosetta Stone for a Single Language
LOL! This is an awesome post that is actually a Rosetta Stone for a single language, which is English of course. The post translates this…
Funny Japanese English Shirts
LOL! Reddit user k-popstar moved to Japan to teach English and has been taking these funny pictures of Japanese discount store shirts with totally random English words…
The Lyrics to All Star by Smash Mouth in Aramaic
LOL! The Slightly Irreverent Jennifer Maglio tweeted this genius version of All Star by Smash Mouth translated into Aramaic and then back into English. The new and…
The Word ‘Homosexual’ Was Mistranslated in the Bible
@valkalrie tweeted this thread about how the word ‘homosexual’ was severely mistranslated in the bible to fit bigots anti-gay agenda. She is a classics major and…
Sexist Translations of The Odyssey
Dr Emily Wilson, the first woman to translate Homer’s The Odyssey into English, found that many men before her had added sexist or misogynist terms…