Tag: tweets
Love Story That Starts With an Unsolicited Gundam Pic
What a beautiful love story that starts with an unsolicited Gundam pic, haha! Elle tweeted her adorable story about how she met the love of her…
Cats in Tiny Hammocks Aboard Navy Ships
Having a “ship’s cat” onboard has been a tradition on many trading, exploration, and navy ships dating to ancient times. Cats were carried on ships for many reasons, mostly to control rodents since they…
Anti-Capitalism Tweets by Existential Comics
Existential Comics has written many anti-capitalism tweets over the years and these are some of the best. He talks about capitalism, economics, greed, and just…
Men Responding Negatively To Everything a Woman Says
@W_Asherah tweeted this insightful thread about how some men have a tendency to respond negatively to everything a women says. They do this by refuting,…
Classic Children’s Books Written By Queer People
Lindz Amer tweeted this wonderful list of beloved classic children’s books that were written by queer people. This was in response to all the people…
The New Nerf Mascot “Murph” Is A Non-Binary Cryptid
Nerf unveiled their new mascot named “Murph” and they are a terrifyingly awesome cryptid abomination made entirely of foam bullets. Murph is non-binary and uses…
The Buzz Lightyear Movie Will Turn Your Children Gay
Won’t somebody please think of the children!?! LOL! These highly sarcastic tweets are in response to the ridiculous backlash against the lesbian kiss in the…
Lake Superior Stands Up For Women’s Rights
The Lake Superior twitter made it clear that they stand up for women’s reproductive rights and stand with women having the right to choose. This…
Pretty Sticks – A True Love Story
Gabbie Walkingbull posted this adorable little story about her stick collecting habit and her ex boyfriend vs current boyfriend’s reaction to it. The moral of the…
Broken Window Story
Nathan Howe tweeted this really great story about a broken window in his house that he neglected to fix for far too long. But the…