This post about the Corrupted Blood pandemic in World of Warcraft is unfortunately perfect for current times. “Yeah, good times when we still thought that highly of humanity..” Ugh. Here’s more info about what happened in case you’re not familiar:
The Corrupted Blood incident was a virtual pandemic in the MMORPG video game World of Warcraft. It began on September 13, 2005, and lasted for one month. The epidemic began with the introduction of the new raid Zul’Gurub and its end boss Hakkar the Soulflayer. When confronted and attacked, Hakkar would cast a hit point-draining and highly contagious debuff spell called “Corrupted Blood” on players. The spell, intended to last only seconds and function only within the new area, soon spread across the virtual world. By both accidental and then purposeful intent, a pandemic ensued that quickly killed lower-level characters and drastically changed normal gameplay. Despite measures such as programmer-imposed quarantines, and the players’ abandoning of densely populated cities, it lasted until a combination of patches and resets of the virtual world finally controlled the spread. (More info on Wikipedia.)

(via: Geek Girls)
Do you remember when this happened and were you playing World of Warcraft during the pandemic? Let us know in the comments below!