This post is about the absolutely bonkers “Sex Raft” experiment that took place in 1973. I really don’t know who funded or approved this, but it probably should have never happened, lol. For some background it started with Mexican anthropologist Santiago Genovés who set out to test a hypothesis. He had been struck by the connection between violence and sexuality in monkeys. “Most conflicts,” he noted, “are about sexual access to ovulating females.” But would this apply to humans, too? To find out, Genovés asked a British boat builder to make a 12×7 meter raft called the Acali on which he planned to sail with 10 sexually attractive young people across the Atlantic from the Canary Islands to Mexico. You can read more about this insane experiment in The Guardian’s article: Mutiny on the Sex Raft: how a 70s science project descended into violent chaos.

(via: Just Sock Thoughts)