These Unicorn Poop Cookies Are Magically Delicious

Om nom nom, I must eat these glittery unicorn poop cookies! I never though I’d say I wanted to eat poop… but I want to eat these, lol. Kristy Lynn created these unicorn poop cookies (and yes they are fully edible) and also provided a step by step recipe guide so that you can make your own! Here is a little introduction to these silly little cookies from the chef:

Magically Delicious! Unicorns may manage their elusiveness but they left behind some fanciful evidence of their existence and I was able to recreate their leavings.

These unicorn poop cookies, in reality, have a funny story. I told my mom that I was making some “Unicorn Sneezes” and she said “when are you going to make your unicorn sh*t?” And then it hit me…Great idea, Mom! It will take a dirty spin and become unicorn poop, instead! She doesn’t want the credit for encouraging me, but I still thank her. Haha. BTW: These things are sparkly to the max. Even more-so than ANY art project. I wish that the video would have captured the magic. *cry*

The real deal – it’s made of sugar cookies, rainbow dragées, rainbow star sprinkles, white sparkle gel, and rainbow disco dust.

Here are the finished unicorn poop cookies in all their magical glory:

Unicorn Poop Cookies
Smelly Unicorn
Unicorn Poop Cookies

Unicorn Poop Cookies
Unicorn Poop Cookies

By: Kristy Lynn

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