What Greek Goddess Is the Most Beautiful?

LOL! This post about the answer to the question “What Greek Goddess is known for being the most beautiful?” is pretty amusing. It also gives some helpful tips about how you should answer this if any of the Greek deities ask you. Oh and also just a heads up, Mesperyian is not a real Greek Goddess, she was made up in fan fic as the goddess of torture and punishment. So probably don’t answer with her name, unless you’re trying to confuse them, lol.

What Greek Goddess Is the Most Beautiful?
What Greek Goddess Is the Most Beautiful?

What Greek Goddess Is the Most Beautiful?
What Greek Goddess Is the Most Beautiful?

(via: Selene Kallan – Writer)

1 thought on “What Greek Goddess Is the Most Beautiful?

  1. Two things: 1) original question says “known for”, which doesn’t necessarily mean she actually is.
    2) If we’re looking for an answer that won’t get you on some Greek god’s hit list, Hestia is an excellent option. She’s the caretaker of the whole bunch, has the common sense to not get involved in a lot of the hand-size-comparisons the other gods do, and just by the way, she’s the older sister of Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, who have hopefully, as a result, learned what happens when you cross her.

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