What is Sealioning?

This post explains what “sealioning” is. I feel like Tucker Carlson is famous for this. People also do this all the time in comments sections on the internet. And when they are presented with clear sources the sealion ignores the evidence completely and carries on with ridiculous questioning. Here’s the explanation written by Evil_Tessmacher and the original comic from which the name comes is also posted below:

What is Sealioning?
What is Sealioning?

What is Sealioning?
Source: Evil_Tessmacher

And here is the original “sealioning” comic by David Malki:

What is Sealioning?

Have you ever encountered a sealion in the wild? Let is know your experiences in the comments below!

2 thoughts on “What is Sealioning?

  1. to be honest, I love talking to Sealions. They make me reevaluate my beliefs and examine what I truly know.
    They argue in bad faith, but accidentally make things better. Either helping me strengthen a correct belief or dismantle an incorrect one. I do not want to believe things that are incorrect or untrue, even if (ESPECIALLY IF!) they are dear to me.

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