Why Saying “Not All Men” Doesn’t Help Anyone

Every time a woman posts something about men committing domestic abuse or rape, etc. a random man shows up in the comments to proclaim “Not all men”! It’s in no way necessary to add since no one thinks it’s all men. It only derails the conversation and makes it about you. That doesn’t help anyone. Lily O’Farrell of @VulgaDrawings drew this comic which goes into more detail. Hopefully this will simplify it for people who still don’t get it. Here’s what Lily had to say about the comic:

“I’ve seen so many women share their thoughts and experiences about walking alone at night, and lots of #notallmen arguments in response.

I love this explanation and the tick analogy, I saw it in a video by @kristinamaione and they really kindly let me turn it into a kind of cartoon/visual description. Kristina is incredible and has a great Y0utube channel I’d recommend.”

Why Saying "Not All Men" Doesn't Help Anyone
Why Saying "Not All Men" Doesn't Help Anyone
Why Saying "Not All Men" Doesn't Help Anyone

Why Saying "Not All Men" Doesn't Help Anyone
Why Saying "Not All Men" Doesn't Help Anyone

Artist: Lily O’Farrell of @VulgaDrawings

Words by: @KristinaMaione

5 thoughts on “Why Saying “Not All Men” Doesn’t Help Anyone

    1. Wow, no, so utterly wrong. Fear is a *response* to perceived threats. Whether something is actually a threat or not, we don’t always have the luxury of taking time to explore and find out if we are actually safe and if our fears were unwarranted. The choices we have are how we respond to our fears and the actions we do or don’t take when we can think cognitively and not just respond reflexively.

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