Zeus and Hera’s Marriage Counsellor – Writing Prompt Response

This is an amazing writing prompt response about the world’s most successful marriage counsellor trying to help Zeus and Hera fix their marriage. Zeus and Hera are of course two of the most well-known gods in Greek mythology. Zeus, the king of the gods, was known for his power and authority. Hera was the goddess of marriage and childbirth. Their marriage, however, was far from perfect. Zeus was notorious for his infidelity, and he had many affairs with mortals and other gods, which often angered Hera. She was also known for her jealousy and her fierce protectiveness of her marriage and her status as the queen of the gods. So here is the story of Zeus and Hera going to a marriage counsellor:

Zeus and Heras Marriage Counsellor - Writing Prompt Response

Zeus and Heras Marriage Counsellor - Writing Prompt Response


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