Naoki Urasawa’s Pluto

Here is an excerpt from Naoki Urasawa’s Pluto manga, which is now an anime series on Netflix as well. Pluto is a captivating manga series penned by the renowned Japanese mangaka Naoki Urasawa. It’s a reimagining of Osamu Tezuka’s classic Astro Boy. Urasawa weaves a gripping narrative that delves into complex themes of AI, identity, and the essence of humanity. Set in a world where robots coexist with humans, the story follows Gesicht, a humanoid robot and Europol detective, as he embarks on a perilous journey to investigate a string of mysterious robot murders. Urasawa’s masterful storytelling, coupled with his skillful character development and thought-provoking exploration of ethical dilemmas, makes Pluto a thoughtfully crafted and emotionally resonant masterpiece within the realm of sci-fi manga. Here is an emotional excerpt, remember to read the bubbles right to left:

Naoki Urasawa's Pluto

Source: fleursdesmorts

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