Retired Action Dad

This is a great idea for an action movie about a retired action dad! He’s an older retired government agent who’s married and settled down. He’s started to let his guard down. And that’s when the past comes back to haunt him:

Retired Action Dad


100% would watch! Would you watch this? Let us know in the comments below!

12 thoughts on “Retired Action Dad

  1. Or better yet the daughter was actually being trained by her father because he figured this one day might be a possibility and she is as much calling in favors as doing the work herself. 😉

  2. The calling in favors is only for materials:
    “So, need us to send a squad?”
    “Nah. I got this, but they caught me in a pink dress. I need some fatigues to be able to move.”
    “Whiplash will be there in 20…”

  3. Who would expect to get killed by a teenage girl in a Pink Dress, all she needs is some proper footwear (not heels) and with the eclectic looks the kids wear these days, she would be invisible. fatigues would be a dead give away.

  4. I would watch the heck out of that. A part of me would like to see dad be Captain America and the mom be Black Widow… but we really don’t need everything to be a Disney property.

    1. The sequel feels a little like “Alias” to me… But I loved “Alias” and would watch both… Then cry for a series…

  5. If a romantic interest is needed in the sequel, the brother of the original villain forces the child of the original villain to join him on the whole revenge thing, even though they didn’t get along with their deceased parent and don’t give a shit about revenge. They become the daughter’s love interest by way of the daughter assuming they want revenge just as badly as the brother until they say “hell, I’m on your side here, you did me a solid, now keep my uncle away from me”.

  6. Regarding sequel thoughts: I think I already read a novel like this. Go look up _Komarr_ by Lois McMaster Bujold. 🙂

  7. Ever been in an air conditioning vent? They are designed to carry the weight of air, not even a child could crawl around in them without crashing to the ground.

    1. And youd be sneezing and coughing from the dust and cobwebs, assuming theyre wide enough to go through (and assuming theyre strong enough to carry ur weight)

    2. I seem to recall a part of The Brothers Bloom where Rachel Weisz’s character ends up making a hell of a noise crawling through the air ducts before they collapse under her weight right in front of the cops.

  8. There’s a series with a similar concept with Arnold Schwarzenegger as the father who doesn’t know his daughter works for the same agency as him.

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