LGBTQ+ Klingons
This is a great post about Klingon courting in Star Trek and how it would work for LGBTQ+ Klingons. Since the females roar and throw…
How to Summon a Demon – Comic
D’aww, this is wholesome demon summoning content. CJ Walker drew this “How to Summon a Demon” comic for the Shout Out Anthology. Shout Out is…
David Tennant as an Ally to Trans People
@vvictorman_uel tweeted this thread praising David Tennant as an ally to trans people. He is very pro-trans and cis people should take notes on his…
Experiences as an Aromantic
This is an interesting post about how experiencing life as an aromantic can be very alienating. This is probably very relatable for anyone who identifies the…
TK-421’s Affair With Grand Moff Tarkin
So it turns out that the Stormtrooper whose armor Luke stole in Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope was gay and having an…
Minority Monsters
Discord Comics created this fabulous series of Minority Monsters! They didn’t know they existed, until they found themselves. Here are some of their LGBTQA+ adventures…
Same-Sex Arranged Marriages in Fantasy
This is an interesting idea for same-sex arranged marriages being a thing in fantasy media. It would be be interesting if gay marriage in “Ye…
Being Gay in the Military in the 40s
Though being gay in the 40s was hard, being gay in the military was easier, and pretty common. Especially for lesbians. That’s not to say…
What Did She-Ra Eat?
LOL! This is an amusing answer to the question “What did she eat??”, in regards to She-Ra bulking up over the course of She-Ra and…
Transgender Nirvana
This is an amazing take on gender by a Redditor. “It’s like this random cis guy skipped right over transgender 101, 102, 201, etc. and…