Tag: swearing
Mando’a Language
This is a great post about Mando’a, the Mandalorian language in Star Wars. It was created by Karen Traviss for the Star Wars Expanded Universe….
Emergency Cleaning
This is a great list of emergency cleaning posted by unfuckyourhabitat! It will help you “unfuck” your whole house in the shortest time possible. And…
Swearing in Star Trek
This is a great idea posted by textsfromstarfleet for why some Star Trek series don’t have swearing and some do. Like for example Star Trek:…
Shakespeare But With Swearing
This is an amusing thread about adding swear words, specifically f*ck, into Shakespeare‘s work when rehearsing. It turns the archaic language into something more familiar…
List of Latin Swear Words
LOL! This is a great list of Latin swear words so you can learn how to curse in Latin! Latin is a classical language with…
Crochet F*ck Tapestries
WANT! Make your own F*ck Off and F*ck You wall hanging with this Crochet Tapestry Wall Hanging Pattern Swear Word Bundle by Lakza! The F*ck…
My Little Secret – Language Comic
This is wholesome content! Shen Comix made this adorable “My Little Secret” comic about spreading the love using their native language. I agree with this:…
Guide To British Slang and Swearing
Check out these handy “Guide to British Slang” and “How To Swear in British” lists! They are perfect for if you’re writing British characters or…